Jury and judging criteria

Judging criteria

The competition entries will be evaluated by an expert jury whose members will be presented later. The entry will be judged based on how well it meets the design challenge brief and the following criteria.

The design reduces or eliminates food waste with the use of Stora Enso’s renewable materials.
The product is easy to use; it fulfils its purpose well and protects its contents to the required standard.
User Experience
The end-consumer appreciates the product, its value and enjoys the interaction.
Market Potential
The design meets the needs of the consumer whilst creating a desirable, aesthetically pleasing solution for the selected brand. Stands out on the shelf, potential to increase sales or reduce costs.
Innovative Use of Material
The Stora Enso renewable packaging material has been used in a favourable and innovative way. The design highlights the strengths of the selected material(s). The design is unseen, disruptive and innovative.
The design is scalable and can be easily taken into mass production suitable for cost-effective manufacturing.
Retail & logistics
The design takes into consideration both brick-and-mortar and online sales. It also takes into consideration the logistics of physical items including material handling, inventory, transportation, and warehousing.

Irene Olsson

SVP New Growth Plant-based and Sustainability
Orkla Foods Europe

Sylvia Vitale Rotta

Founder & CEO

Hannu Kasurinen

Executive Vice President, Packaging Materials Division
Stora Enso

Joss Pereyra

Packaging project manage
Stora Enso

  Read more about the brief